Cooking Classes & Health Coaching Services

Cooking Classes

Do you have a new or old chronic medical diagnosis & need help to make healthy diet changes? I am here to help you. I can teach you how to make simple meals/snacks that are healthy but also delicious. I offer individual cooking classes or small groups but not more than 5 people to help keep it a great learning experience for all involved.

There are a lot of healthy recipes & cooking videos on the internet, but if you are just learning how to cook or how to cook healthier meals than it can be very informative to have one-on-one coaching & cooking lessons. Especially if you have one or more chronic health diagnosis, it can help to make an individual meal plans that works for you.

If you are wanting to live a healthier lifestyle, but also need need help learning how to read labels, finding less expensive healthy food options, planning some meals/snacks etc, I am definitely able to help you with all these. With each new client, I offer a free 30 minute phone conversation or we can meet in person. The initial conversation helps me to assess what your individual needs are before we meet for coaching/cooking sessions.

I have some of my own recipes on my blog/website, but over the years I have found many recipes on blogs, cookbooks etc that have become my favorite to make. Therefore I know a lot of the best go-to resources & recipe books for certain diets such as paleo, vegan, GF, vegetarian. Pricing will be determined after our initial 30 minute consultation.

I am always working on new content to put on my website & blog. I post a lot on Instagram & will have weekly videos on IG stories that shows my favorite items at local grocery stores. I mainly go to Trader Joe’s and Costco because they have some of the best prices for organic produce & other healthy foods such as hummus, condiments etc.

For any questions, concerns, don’t hesitate to email me at or private message me on Facebook & Instagram both @emmasdailybread.

Thanks so much & Cheers to a Happy & Healthy Day!

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