How to Roast A Spaghetti Squash

How to Roast A Spaghetti Squash

This year I am having a healthy obsession with SPAGHETTI SQUASH. Therefore on this blog I am providing simple instructions on how to roast a SPAGHETTI SQUASH & some easy weeknight dishes that go well with it. Over the last couple of years I’ve tried other healthy substitutes for pasta such as spiralized zucchini, sweet potatoes and  black bean pasta. I like the above options, but my most favorite by far is spaghetti squash for several reasons. It has a light buttery flavor with an al dente texture, firm but not crunchy.  If spiralized zucchini and sweet potatoes is cooked to long it can get mushy, but this does not happen while roasting or reheating spaghetti squash. It is also very easy to prepare ahead of time. If I am at home during the day, I roast it while doing housework, blogging etc and once it is done just scoop the seeds out and place the noodles into a 4-5 quart sauce pan.

Just like traditional pasta, spaghetti squash is very versatile and goes well with a variety of flavors. One of my go to weeknight meals is mixing the squash with 1/4 cup of my basil pesto served along side a protein such as grilled chicken breasts or something more elaborate like steak. Pestos are very easy to make and I last summer I posted a recipe for basil pesto. Many of my favorite pasta dishes from years past such as spaghetti & meatballs I now make it with spaghetti squash. I recently made a spaghetti sauce filled with meat & veggies that was very filling and absolutely delicious served with the squash. An equally delicious but simple way to eat spaghetti squash is to add some melted butter, ghee or coconut oil, salt and black pepper to taste and freshly shredded parmesan cheese. Again just serve with an easy to make protein and a side salad equals a balanced meal. 

Thanks for following along on this blog and I hope you enjoy the many recipes I have on my blog that include spaghetti squash. Shoot me a message with any questions about any of my recipes posted. As always THANKS for the visit. CHEERS TO A HAPPY & HEALTHY DAY!

How to Roast A Spaghetti Squash

Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes
Servings 4


  • 1 Spaghetti Squash


  • Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
  • A cake pan is my favorite pan to use to roast spaghetti squash Fill pan with approximately one half to one inch with water, this provides some steam which decreases cooking time. The water in the roasting pan also prevents the pan from burning. 
  • Cut spaghetti squash in half, lengthwise.
  • Place squash into roasting pan, open side down.
  • Bake for approximately 45 minutes or till the fork pierces through the spaghetti squash very easily.
  • I like to wait until the squash is completely cooked to scoop out the seeds. A lot of other instructions tell you to remove the seeds prior to roasting, but I feel like the seeds are easier to remove after the squash is cooked.  Either way will work and won't affect the texture or taste. If you are planning on roasting the seeds it is probably best to remove them before roasting the spaghetti squash. 
  • Scoop the spaghetti into a 4-5 quart sized sauce pan. I just leave the sauce pan on the stove top if I am using it the same day otherwise keep it refrigerated.

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